Exploring the World With 9 Famous Travel Enthusiast Quotes

Exploring the World With Famous Travel Enthusiast Quotes.png

Many beautiful explore quotes let people dream about places they want to visit and encourage them to go on new adventures. Whether you're looking for enthusiast quotes that make you think about your next trip or motivation to start your first solo adventure, you will find some of the best ones here.

Everyone smiles in the same language - George Carlin.png

Everyone smiles in the same language. - George Carlin

When we travel the world, we meet many people who speak different languages, and often we don’t understand what they are saying. A simple smile helps us in many situations. When we smile at people, and they smile back, we know immediately without any words that everything is okay. We feel a good connection. We don’t need translation for a smile. Don’t be afraid of foreign languages when you travel. The more you smile, the more positive reactions you will get back from others. What you give you receive back!

Always take enough time to do what you love and never stop exploring – Eva Smahelova.png

Always take enough time to do what you love and never stop exploring. – Eva Smahelova

All of us need to connect deeply with ourselves every day and try to find at least some time for doing things we enjoy the most. Whether it’s traveling, exploring, and learning new things or another passion, we should always have enough time to do what we love. It will help us to find the happiness we’re often looking for. This is a quote from the Travel Challenge Book - Europe.

Every morning you have two choices continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. Anonymous .png

Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. - Anonymous

This quote is encouraging you to take action! Many people talk about what they don’t like every day and what they would like instead. Indeed, they have their dreams, but lots of them never do even the first step to make a change to live a life according to them. They have many excuses for why it’s not possible. But you know what? Everything is possible. The limitation is only in your head. So, wake up and start chasing your dreams!

Spend money on experiences. Not things - Dr. Thomas Gilovich.png

Spend money on experiences. Not things. - Dr. Thomas Gilovich

How many times do we buy things we don’t even need or later don’t even want? Usually, we lose interest in material items we were enjoying initially, but we never forget what we experienced. Our experiences enrich us in many ways, and nobody can steal them from us. We can learn from them, and we can share them with others. Traveling is full of experiences, so never give up on it.

I am not born for one corner; the whole world is my native land - Lucius Annaeus Seneca.png

I am not born for one corner; the whole world is my native land. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

You may be born in one corner of the world, but nobody should force you to stay there forever if you don’t want to. Who said you can’t go explore the whole world and find a place where you feel at home? Maybe you feel at home everywhere, and it’s okay. Just follow your heart, travel, and enjoy your journey.


Never go on trips with anyone you do not love. - Ernest Hemingway

In different words, always go on a trip with someone you like. It’s simple. Try to spend most of your time with people you feel good being around. Those people will lift your vibrations, and you will feel better. Sometimes we don’t have anyone to travel with, so we go with someone who is not a great companion. If traveling nourishes your soul, travel only with those who will vibrate on the same or higher level. This way you will enjoy your journey much more!

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list – Susan Sontag.png

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. – Susan Sontag

Many passionate travelers feel this way. They are looking for the best places to visit and check off their travel bucket list. Some of them have their travel journals and travel books to keep track of places they’ve been, write notes, or stick photos from their adventures. You don’t need to travel the whole world to experience great things, but if you love traveling, you will always be looking for new destinations to go because it’s something that brings you joy and happiness. It’s fun exploring the world!

You don’t have to be rich to travel well – Eugene Fodor.png

You don’t have to be rich to travel well. – Eugene Fodor

This is so true! You don’t need to give up on traveling because you think you don’t have enough money. Traveling is not about luxury. It’s about experiences! Many travelers exploring the world with a low budget can experience much more than those enjoying a luxurious vacation. It’s all about the way you choose and about what you want to get from your journey. It’s all up to you. So don’t give up on your dreams just because you think you don’t have enough money. If you want to do it, there is always a way!


Don’t worry about the world ending today, it’s already tomorrow in Australia. - Charles M. Schulz

This is one of the funny quotes that will make you smile. After reading this quote it feels like you don’t need to be worry about anything you’ve been worried about so far. Just stop thinking about all the things that prevent you from following something you want to do. How many things you’ve been worried about really happened? All potential threats we think about are a part of our big imagination. Let the positive thoughts step to the forefront and drive your life. It will be an adventurous ride!

Have lots of fun on your next trip!


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